Thursday 30 May 2019

ARMS North West - the fight continues

Attendees at the ARMS NW regional committee today (30 May) in Jack Jones House, Liverpool. The meeting was primarily to mandate our delegate on motions to the ARMS national forum in Liverpool on 19 June. The new ARMS Manchester banner is on display.

Some other issues were discussed at the meeting:
  • Emergency motions were agreed on pensions overpayment/underpayment concerns and intergenerational fairness.
  • An update on ARMS' successful intervention at PCS conference was also given.
  • A message of support was agreed to the striking PCS members in the ongoing Universal Credit dispute in Walsall and Wolverhampton DWP.
Steve Ion
ARMS North West

Wednesday 29 May 2019

Tony Mulhearn's memoirs

39377640_1558621718255020_r.jpegDear comrades and friends,

In response to various comrades and friends who persuaded me that I have a story to tell, I have written my memoirs.

To hire the services of a publisher is very difficult as, generally, they are interested in celebrities or national political figures who are well connected in the publishing field. As I don’t fall into either of these categories, with the help of Phil Maxwell, I am launching this Crowd Funding page to raise the necessary funding for the book’s production. Thank you to comrades and friends who have already donated.

Please click on the link below for further information.

In solidarity


Monday 27 May 2019

Save our criminal justice system

The criminal justice system is under pressure. If we don't take drastic measures now, it will break.

I joined the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) at its inception, and am one of those who has worked from the start to create a service that its staff, and the country, can be proud of. But over the last decade, the government have brought in swingeing cuts to the courts, legal aid and the entire criminal justice system. We saw budget cuts in the CPS, staff reductions and down-grading. We were asked to do more with less, and it became increasingly difficult to deliver the justice which the public should rightly demand.

That's why, with the support of my union, the FDA, I've started this petition calling for a properly funded criminal justice system. We shouldn't have to campaign for adequate funding for our legal system, but the government's left us no choice. Austerity has taken its toll on our department. Real term pay-cuts of up to 42% are pushing lawyers away from criminal law towards more financially rewarding areas of practice.

The explosion of digital evidence has put – as one FDA CPS member put it – "an almost intolerable burden on prosecutors". Yet while disclosure has become more time-consuming since 2010, the budget of the CPS has fallen by 25% in the same period. As a result, 95.7% of prosecutors surveyed by the FDA now think the department does not have enough lawyers to deal with disclosure issues.

Something must be done. Please add your name.

Thanks for your support,

Roland Zollner

Wednesday 22 May 2019

Oppose Trump's state visit - Liverpool

Donald Trump has shocked the world since he was elected president of the USA. His racism and sexism are shocking. His views on climate change, immigration, crime and equal rights have alarmed millions. And he is making the world a much more dangerous place.

With Trump there is a massive global tension and a drive to greater conflict and war. Trump is:
  • developing 'usable' nuclear weapons; nuclear war is now more likely.
  • pulling out of crucial international agreements on climate change and weapons controls;
  • trashing the Iran nuclear deal, increasing sanctions and sounding the drums of war.
Trump is putting us all in danger: join us to protest against his state visit to the UK.

Support the alternative: a world of peace, justice and human rights. Come to St George's Hall, Liverpool at 6pm on Monday 3rd June.

This protest is organised by Stand Up to Racism - Liverpool and Liverpool Trans-Pride.
Pinched (with permission) from a leaflet by Merseyside CND - tel: 07394 810 871.

Monday 20 May 2019

Sri Lanka: solidarity and condolences

Following the horrendous terrorists bombs on Easter Sunday in Sri Lanka and the subsequent reprisals against Muslims, I sent the letter below on behalf of ARMS Mersey to the Sri Lanka High Commissioner to the UK. I am confident all ARMS members will endorse the sentiment and, after New Zealand, I sincerely hope this kind of letter does not become a regular item of correspondence from our group.
19th May 2019
His Excellency Manisha Gunasekera 
Sri Lanka High Commissioner to the UK
No.13, Hyde Park Gardens,
London W2 2LU

Dear High Commissioner,

I am writing to express the horror of the PCS ARMS Mersey committee and membership at the terrorist mass murders that were committed in Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday. We have also been dismayed by the recent reprisals against Muslim-owned businesses, mosques and houses as we feel the Easter Sunday attacks were intended to provoke such a response.

Terrorists cannot abide peaceful coexistence and care little when their co-religionists are killed or injured in the violent chaos they seek to provoke. In fact, that is their aim as they want Sri Lankan Muslims to respond violently to attacks against them by rising up against non-Muslims. Everywhere, we must oppose all types of fanaticism and not allow it to divide our communities – the only effective way to peace is through unity in diversity.

We in ARMS oppose all forms of bigotry and intolerance wherever they arise. We extend our deepest sympathies to the families and friends of the victims of these horrific murders, our solidarity with the people in Sri Lanka and our sorrow that such grief has been brought to your country.

Yours sincerely,

Neville Grundy
PCS ARMS Merseyside

Tuesday 14 May 2019

Standing Up To Racism in Liverpool

Date: Saturday 18 May.
Time: 10.30 to - 15.00.
Place: Jack Jones House, 2 Churchill Way, Liverpool.

Meet at the Unite office at 10.30 to join Stand Up To Racism and Unite Against Fascism for a day of mass leafleting to get the vote out against Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon, alias Tommy Robinson.

This will be followed by speeches at 15.00 from Steve Rotheram (Metro Mayor of Liverpool City Region), Anna Rothery (Mayoral Lead for Equality & Race Equality and Liverpool City Councillor), and Joe Anderson (Mayor of Liverpool), and others at Jack Jones House.

Thursday 9 May 2019

Opposing "Tommy Robinson" in EU elections

Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, alias Tommy Robinson, is standing in the North West section of the EU elections. He only needs 8% to be elected. Merseyside dates from Tommy Robinson's website:
  • 9th May - St. Helens Thatto Heath - 7:00PM - WA9 5QQ
  • 12th May - Birkenhead Beechwood - 5:00PM - CH43 7ZU - local campaigners have set up a What's App group and plan to meet up at that postcode at 2pm.
  • 19th May - Liverpool Bootle - 1:00PM.
  • 19th May - Liverpool Stockbridge - 5:00PM - L28 1ST.
There are some WhatsApp groups organising counter-protests. We will update you if we get any firmer information.

Please note: the organisers of these protests have suggested not putting this information on Facebook or other public social media for security reasons.

Sunday 5 May 2019

Equality through shared deprivation

The triple lock - deeply begrudged
by the wealthy
The Merseyside Pensioners Association has condemned the proposals of the Lords Committee on Intergenerational Fairness and Provision, a title borrowed straight form the George Orwell library of double-speak.

This body of unelected, well-heeled Lords calls for an end to the ‘triple lock’, which guarantees the state pension rises by the highest of inflation, wage growth or 2.5 per cent; an end of free television licences, and bus passes and winter fuel payments to be scrapped or scaled back; and for a national insurance surcharge.

Their Lordships justify these cuts with the phoney argument to ‘tilt the balance between the generations back towards younger groups’ because, they argue, the spending power of retired people has now overtaken many workers in their 20s and 30s, and that help should be stepped up for younger people in the jobs and housing markets.

There is no mention of the massive tax cuts for the rich, the wrecking of local council’s ability to build houses for rent, the low-wage zero hours jobs young people are faced with, and all the other inequalities in a society based on capitalism.

Far from OAPs being ‘privileged’, UK state pensions are the lowest in Western Europe, and thousands of OAPs die from hypothermia each year. We agree with John McDonnell’s description of the proposed national insurance surcharge as a ‘a tax on getting old’. This is a further cynical attempt to divide the generations while they figure out how to enrich their already fabulously rich friends and it gives further urgency to the election of a Corbyn-led government committed to the implementation of socialist policies.

Tony Mulhearn,
MPA Media Officer &
ARMS activist

Thursday 2 May 2019

Stop Tommy Robinson in Euro-election

Stop fascist Robinson winning NW MEP seat

Friday 3rd May, MANCHESTER: HELP LEAFLET TRAIN STATION: 16.30-17.30, Piccadilly Approach, Manchester.

Friday 3rd May: North West Regional Meeting, organised by SUTR and UAF, 19.00, Methodist Central Hall, Manchester.

Saturday 4th May: LIVERPOOL: City Centre stall & leafleting. Meet 11.00am, by Primark, Church St., Liverpool.

Saturday 4th May: LANCASTER: Leafleting of May Day March. 11.30 - 14.30, Dalton Square. UAF speaker.

Monday 6th May: BURNLEY: Leafleting of May Day event. UAF speaker. 12.00-16.00, Towneley Park.

Monday 6th May: LIVERPOOL: Leafleting of May Day March & Rally. 12.00 noon, Bombed Out Church (St Luke's).

Monday 6th May: LANCASTER: Stand Up to Racism meeting. 19.00-20.30, Friends Meeting House. Speakers include Cat Smith MP and Paul Jenkins, North West Regional Organiser, UAF.

Wednesday 8th May: MANCHESTER: help leaflet the station: 17.00 - 18.00, Piccadilly Approach, Manchester.

ARMS NW Newsletter April 2019

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