Thursday 20 June 2019

MPA condemns charging over-75s for TV licence + details of demo

Attendees at the ARMS National Forum in Liverpool on 19 June protest against the
scrapping of the over-75 free TV licence. The posters read: "Don't switch us off".
The Merseyside Pensioners Association condemns the decision by the BBC to charge over 75s the TV licence fee. During the last ten years in excess of £50 billion has been transferred from the working class into the pockets of the Tories' already very rich friends. The neediest in society have suffered while the top 10% have seen their wealth grow year on year as shown by the Times Rich List. They should pay, not the pensioners.

This government has cynically turned over responsibility to the BBC for their own funding knowing that that organisation would claw back any expenditure they could, even it meant attacking the most vulnerable to satisfy their political masters. Of course, the BBC’s ‘star’ performers would still receive their mega-salaries.

The same generation that has survived the invasion of Normandy will be amongst those attacked. We will call for all pensioners to refuse to pay this further imposition and join us in a campaign similar to the great Militant-inspired campaign against the Poll Tax when 18 million refused to pay. That campaign ultimately led to the removal of Margaret Thatcher as prime minister.

We aim to seek the same fate for the present government, to be replaced by a Corbyn-led socialist government committed to ending all austerity.

Tony Mulhearn
MPA Media Officer
(letter to the Liverpool Echo)

Additional comment by Marie of the MPA:

Here are the final arrangements for our demo/protest tomorrow (Friday 21 June):
  • Meet 11.00 am at the bombed out church (St Luke's) at the top of Bold Street.
  • March down to Radio Merseyside in Hanover Street to assemble there at 12.00 pm.
Bring rattles, whistles anything you can make a racket with. Leaflets will be available for distribution, petitions, clipboards, pens, etc will be available. We will have placards as well and chants. We need a full turnout of members for this event so I am appealing to all MPA members to support this .

Cheers, Marie.

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