Monday 3 June 2019

Time to confront the vultures

Tom Watson (left) and Alastair Campbell
As we anticipated, in the wake of the Euro disaster, the vultures are moving with renewed vigour to crush Corbyn and the socialism he espouses. Jeremy must know he will never mollify the Blairite wing nor the capitalist media. He’s got to go on the offensive. The rest of the anti-socialist brigade should join arch-Blairite Campbell. Watson, and now Campbell, are blatantly working to implement 'Operation Anaconda', their instrument designed to Crush Corbyn.

There should be no more retreats or apologies. Implement trigger ballots now to rid the movement of the fifth column, or they will destroy the Corbyn project. It's time for Jeremy to organise up and down the country to mobilise the massive support that exists for his anti-austerity alternative. Those who organise JC's activities should be bombarded with demands for a mass campaign which can change the whole landscape of British politics. Secret demos should be replaced by a confident call for JC's millions of supporters to get on the streets to demand a general election now.

Tony Mulhearn
ARMS Mersey

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