Sunday 30 July 2023

Renewed Attacks on the Triple Lock

Update on the recent petition about the triple lock: 
"We are preparing for fresh attacks on the Triple Lock in the autumn".
This petition was signed by 329,834 people; see the full update here.

What opponents of the triple lock fail to understand is that it is applied to one of the lowest retirement pensions of co
untries with economies comparable to the UK. Left alone, the lock would very slowly compensate for that discrepancy. However, if you're a rich Tory, you'll think why waste money on people who are economically inactive anyway?

'Economically inactive', except for the money pensioners spend in shops, pubs (especially me!) and other hospitality outlets, holidays when they can be afforded, and even bestowed upon children and grandchildren to spend. Such recycling of money is essential to a successful economy and across the whole country adds up a huge amount being invested by pensioners in goods and services. But Tories are so blinkered that all they can see is the bill to the Treasury, while conveniently forgetting that the pensioners paid into that self-same Treasury throughout their entire working lives, and continue to contribute through income tax and, where applicable, VAT and duty on all taxable purchases that they make.

The people who ARE a drain on the economy are the billionaires and multimillionaires who salt away fortunes abroad in shady tax havens, with many shielding behind the legalised tax fraud of non-dom status,

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